
All fees associated with using biatec decentralized scheduler are listed here.

Deploly task fee

To deploy task, the built smart contract must be created, configured and registration fee paid.

Create smart contract on algorand: 0.001 algo

Configure task network fees: 0.003 algo

Registration fee: 1 algo . Registration fee consists of the service fee and minimum balance requirements for smart contracts and boxes.

Total costs at algo price 0.2 algo/usd is approx $ 0,2

Update task fee

Network fees: 0,001 algo

Delete task fee

Network fees: 0,003 algo

Delete task fee consists of paying execution funds back to the creator of the task.

Deposit fee

We charge you service fee 1% of the deposits. If you deposit 1 gram of gold for execution fees, you will have available 0.99 gold grams. (Also available for withdrawal)

Network fee for deposit is 0,001 algo.

Withdrawal of execution fees

There is no service fee associated with withdrawal of the execution fees.

Network fee for deposit is 0,002 algo.

Execution fee

Execution fee is paid in tokenized gold. If the selected fee is too low, the executors will not execute the tasks.

Default execution fee is 0,001 gram of gold (1000 in base units) ~ 8 cents at price 80 gold/usd.

Last updated